Tuesday 19 March 2013

How To Hack Mozilla firefox Save My All Paswards Automaticly

Hacking Firefox to Always Auto Save Password Without Showing Notification

While I was screening through the new posts in forum to see if there are any spam and also any computer topic that I can help, I saw an interesting question asked by Rizzano. He wanted to know if there is anyway to make Firefox auto save password without clicking the Remember button. In Firefox, even if you have the option “Remember passwords for sites” checked in Tools > Options > Security, the browser will still ask the question “Would you like to remember the password for “Username” on website.com?” with three selections which are “Remember Password”, “Never Remember Password for This Site” and “Not Now”. The earlier version of Firefox 3 displays a notification bar at the top of the web browser while from version 4 until the current version 19 displays a popup notification at the top left.
Disable Firefox Remember Never for This Site Not Now button
Modifying Firefox to auto save the login information to the Firefox Saved Passwords manager without prompting was easy for version 3 because you can directly edit the JS files from the program’s folder to apply the changes. However, the file structure was a bit different starting from Firefox 4 until the current version 19. We researched and found that it is still possible to force Firefox to auto save the password without the popup notification.

For Firefox 3, all you need to do is edit the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file with a text editor preferably Notepad++ located in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\componenets\ folder. Search for the _showSaveLoginNotification function and replace the whole code that is highlighted in yellow…
With the following code:
var pwmgr = this._pwmgr;
The end result would look like the image below.
Firefox auto save password without notification bar
Save the changes that you’ve made on the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file and whenever you login to any website, Firefox will auto save the site, username and password to the login manager WITHOUT showing the notification bar. You can access the saved password area by going to Tools > Options > Security and click the Saved Passwords button. There is one possible bug which is even when a user entered the wrong username or password, it will still be saved.
As for Firefox 4, it gets slightly difficult because the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file is archived in an omni.jar file located at C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ folder. I’ve previously written a guide on how to edit files inside omni.jar file which would allow you to modify Firefox 4 to auto save password without prompting.
Starting from Firefox 5, you may have noticed that editing the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js inside omni.jar file does not work. The Firefox developing team did not fix the bug nor improve the security but instead they optimized it further by making Firefox load a compiled binary version of the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file instead of the raw and editable JS file. Here is what you need to do to enable auto password saving on Firefox 5 and above. Do take note that the omni.jar file has been renamed to omni.ja starting from Firefox 10.
1. Use WinRAR, PowerArchiver or WinZIP to open the omni.jar or omni.ja file from C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ folder.
2. Navigate to jsloader\resource\gre\components\ and delete the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file.
Delete nsLoginManagerPrompter.js
3. Go back to the root of omni.jar or omni.jar, and navigate to components folder. Edit the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file and replace the whole _showSaveLoginNotification function as shown earlier. Save the changes and go back to the archiver. Click the Yes button when the archiver prompts you to update the archive with the updated file.
If you are having difficulty in following all the steps above, we provide an already modified version of omni.ja file for Windows version of Firefox 19 which can be downloaded by clicking here or click here for Mac OS X. Simply download and save it to C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ folder in Windows. In Mac OS X, click Go at the Finder toolbar, select Applications, right click on Firefox and select Show Package Contents. Open Contents folder and copy the omni.ja to the MacOS folder. Remember to backup the original omni.ja file in case you want to restore back the changes.
Important Notes:
1. Whenever Firefox gets updated, most likely the omni.ja file will be reverted to the original
2. This article and research is for educational purposes only. Use it with care and think twice before implementing this illegally as it can get you into a lot of trouble!

Read more: http://www.raymond.cc/blog/hacking-firefox-to-always-auto-save-password-without-showing-notification-bar/#ixzz2O0llQgFU

Create New Apple ID Without a Credit Card [Using iTunes]

Create New Apple ID Without a Credit Card [Using iTunes] by Saddam khakwani

by Maverick Wil · 91 comments
Some of our readers experienced problems with our original “Create New Apple ID Without a Credit Card” tutorial which was for registering straight on the iPad itself. We have managed to recreate the problem where “None” does not appear as an option under Billing Information. As far as we can tell, the issue is sporadic. Some are affected, some are not.
The following tutorial is for you to create a new Apple ID without a credit card using iTunes on the computer instead and is an alternative for those of you who cannot manage to do it on the iPad:


You first need to download and install iTunes for your computer:
*make sure “Malaysia” is selected under “Location”

Instructions: Create an Apple ID (Using iTunes)

You will need an active Internet Connection so turn on Wi-Fi or 3G/Data and make sure your computer is connected.

Step 1

Open iTunes and Select iTunes Store
Open iTunes on your computer and click on “iTunes Store”.

Step 2

Navigate to Free Apps in iTunes Store
Once the iTunes Store has loaded, scroll down until you can see the “Free Apps” chart on the right hand side column.
Mouse over any of the apps there and you should see a “FREE” button appear. Click on the button once.

Step 3

Create New Account in iTunes
A small window should pop up, prompting you to log in. As you do not have an Apple ID yet, go ahead and click on “Create New Account”.

Step 4

Click on Continue
Click on “Continue”.

Step 5

iTunes Store Terms of Service
Confirm that you are creating an Apple ID for the use in the Malaysia iTunes Store by looking at the line above the Terms of Service. If correct, it should read: “If your billing address is not in Malaysia, click here”. If another country name is stated, click to change it.
Tick the check box to agree to iTunes Store T&C and select “Continue”.

Step 6

Fill in Apple ID Details
Fill in your details. Double confirm the email address is correct as you will need to verify this later. Once done, click on “Continue”.

Step 7

Select None as Payment Method for iTunes
Change the “Payment Method” from Visa to “None”. If you had a credit card, this would be where you would select your card type and enter the relevant details. Now fill in the rest of your details and click on “Continue”.
If you do not see “None” as an option, double check that you chose a FREE app in Step 3 and not a Paid app. If that still doesn’t work and creating an Apple ID straight on the iPad also results in failure, we suggest you call up Apple Support (Malaysia: 1-800 803-638) or visit an Apple Authorised Reseller for assistance.

Step 8

Verify Apple ID Email
You’ve nearly created your Apple ID. You just have to check your email and verify your account from there.

Step 9

Verification Email from Apple
This is what the verification from Apple looks like. Click on “Verify Now” and a new window will open up.

Step 10

Enter Apple ID and Password
Return to iTunes Store
Enter your Apple ID (which is your email address) and the password you chose earlier. Click on “Verify Address”. Once the verification is successful, click on “Return to the Store”. This will automatically bring up the iTunes Store in iTunes on your computer.

Step 11

Your Apple ID Has Been Successfully Created
Click on “Done”. Congrats! You have successfully created an Apple ID without a credit card.
Before using the Apple ID on your iPad, we recommend doing the next step first to avoid any possible errors such as This Apple ID has not yet been used with the iTunes Store…

Downloading & Installing an App (Using iTunes)